Take a walk- March!

When the mad, cold world casts a stone at you, you simply put on your shoes.
You stand tall. You're unimpressed by it all. You need to feel equal. Put on your shoes. Take a walk. March up the street.
Do it dutifully. And diligently. Put on your shoes. Take a walk; safely. Speak your mind. No one can tame me. Take a walk- March!
In this wild and chaotic world we live
Where stones of hatred and anger are thrown to sieve,
You, my strong one, stand tall and firm
Unfazed by the madness, you do not squirm
For when the cold world casts its stone
You simply put on your shoes and roam
With steady steps, you march up the street
Undeterred, you face the challenges you meet
In this world where equality is still a dream
You refuse to be silenced, you won't give in to their scheme
You put on your shoes, and take a walk
With a determined heart, you refuse to balk
Dutifully and diligently, you tread on your path
With every step, your courage does not lapse
For you know that your voice deserves to be heard
And no one can tame you, for you are not a bird
So put on your shoes, and march ahead
Through the trials and tribulations, you won't be led
Take a walk, and speak your mind
For in this mad world, you are one of a kind
Let your footsteps echo, let your words resound
As you walk with your head held high, unbound
For you are a warrior, in a world so cold
And with your shoes on, you cannot be controlled
So when the mad, cold world casts a stone at you
Remember, my dear, what you must do
Put on your shoes, take a walk- March!
For in this journey, it's your voice that will talk.

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