They are just mere words

These are mere words to describe 
My surroundings in my life.....
These are mere words to attack,
Sharp and pointed, aimed to crack,
My fragile facade of inner peace,
And bring me to my knees.
They pierce my heart and cut my soul,
Leaving me feeling out of control,
My surroundings filled with chaos and strife,
As I struggle to navigate this life.
But these are mere words, I know,
Used as weapons by those who sow,
Doubt and fear in my mind,
Leaving me with wounds that are hard to find.
Yet I refuse to let them win,
For I know deep within,
That these words are nothing but a ploy,
To steal my joy and destroy.
So I will rise from the ashes,
And brush off these verbal lashes,
For these are mere words, after all,
And I am strong, I will not fall.
I'll engage in a philosophical discussion,
Using these words as a means of expression,
To understand my surroundings, my life,
And find peace in the midst of strife.
And though I may feel alone,
The only one for days on end,
I know that these words can bring us together,
And help our broken hearts to mend.
So let the attacks come, I will not fear,
For these are mere words, and I am here,
To rise above and spread love,
For that is all that truly matters in the end.
For I know in the wrong hands, a word 
Can be used as a weapon......
And you and I will survive.......
For this, too, is a lesson.
For they are just mere words.
Mere words are not actions or beliefs.
They are just used to attempt to give oneself,
A little bit of relief.
For they are just mere words.
(For they are just mere words).

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