Long time coming

It's been a long time coming, 
The way you pester and bother me 
In the midst of my busy days 
You think you hold the answer 
To all of my troubles and woes 
But I can't take it anymore 
Your presence, it makes my skin crawl 
And I dread every moment 
That I have to spend with you 
I hold no ill will towards you 
But I just can't stand to be around you 
You may think you're the one 
Who can solve all of my problems 
But in reality, you only add to them 
I try to keep my distance 
But you always seem to find a way 
To invade my space 
I don't mean to be unkind 
But the truth is, you're not welcome 
In my life, or in my mind 
Your constant buzzing and buzzing 
Is like a fly, I can't seem to swat away 
And it's like driving me insane 
So please, just leave me be 
I don't want you around 
I'll find my own way 
To solve my own troubles 
But you, you are not the answer 
I'd rather face them on my own 
It's been a long time coming 
But I can't take it anymore 
So I'll say it loud and clear 
I don't want you near 
You may think you're the solution 
But I'll find my own resolution.
I'm gonna find my way 
To live out my better days.

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