
In this plain existence, I am too high to witness what has come for you.
The excuse of many too. To be true blue. And you; excruciatingly, profusely levitating. Sprained leg and your confused. Lemme explain the blues to you. The demons pass and it's a blast. I don't damn them. Instead I laugh at them. I don't hear their words. I don't hear their words. Mentally fragalistic kind of ego sap and ecstatic blisstic kind of new. Should I explain the blues to you? I don't want to hear your words. I don't want to hear your words. In this plain existence, I soar above
Too high to witness what fate has in store
For you, my dear, and the excuse of love
That many use, but it's never truly pure
I am elevated, floating in the sky
While you are stuck, with a sprained leg
Confused and lost, wondering why
Life has brought you to this painful edge
Let me explain the blues to you
It's a state of mind, a deep despair
Where demons lurk, and fears ensue
But I don't damn them, I just sit and stare
I laugh at their attempts to bring me down
Their words fall empty on my ears
For in this state, I wear no frown
My mind is free from all their fears
Mentally fragalistic, my ego soars
In a state of bliss, I'm ecstatic and new
Should I explain the blues to you
Or let you experience this surreal view?
I don't want to hear your words of pain
For in this state, they hold no weight
I'm too high, and I can't be tamed
In this plain existence, I have found my fate
So let the demons pass, let them blast
I'll just sit back and enjoy the ride
For I have reached a state so vast
Where nothing can touch me, or make me hide
So my dear, don't be afraid
Of the blues that may come your way
Just let them pass, and you'll soon be elevated
To a place where you'll want to stay
In this plain existence, I am too high
To witness what has come for you
But trust me, my love, you'll soon be flying
And the blues will hold no power over you.
Don't be paranoid. And don't seek for more toys. All that money they cost and you don't really need one. You should be standing boy
I know I really seem dumb to you. But if you gave me half the chance you'd see I'm speaking wisdom. And you'd relax and fly high over the kingdom.

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