Don't be a wannabe

It is appropriate that you dont appropriate the style. Don't make that mistake. That others have done for a while. In this world they all try to assimilate. To wear the same sweater.
And dopey smile. It's appropriate that you don't appropriate the style. Don't make that mistake, it's not worth your while. For too long, others have followed the trend. Assimilating, trying to blend. But why conform to what has been done before? Why wear the same sweater, the same old bore?
Why put on a dopey smile, just to fit in?
When deep down, you know it's not your true skin. In this world, everyone wants to belong
But in the process, they lose their own song
They mimic and imitate, trying to be cool
But in the end, they just look like a fool.
So don't be afraid to stand out from the crowd. Embrace your uniqueness, let it be loud. Don't let others dictate what you should be. For your style and your soul, should always be free. Be bold and be brave, let your true self shine. Don't be a copy, be one of a kind. For it's appropriate that you don't appropriate. Stand out, be you, and don't hesitate. Don't be a wannabe. Just be free!

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