
I have tried so many times to live a life of joy and happiness. Where I'm content and fulfilled. But there's something missing. 
That's my free will.
My independence, my freedom. Responsibility about seeing to those responsibilities.
And it doesn't have to be a tragedy to struggle. It just fuels more work. So you can
learn to sit there in your own little bizarre fashion. 
And contemplate why we don't talk. 
But you are utterly berserk! Bizarre. A moron.
And a total jerk.
You don't understand; I may have some issues, but you are one who seems to have  them all. Why is it always poor you? 
No one owe you any favors. 
You've done nothing for anyone.
No one wants to be around you not even 
your neighbors.
Don't go chasing waterfalls.
Don't tell me I need to stop, or my shit, or weird. That's why we will never talk again,
As God as my witness. I promise this, my dear. To be clear; you are berserk, a total jerk.

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