
Do I know you from somewhere?
Why do you leave me wanting more?
Why do all the things I say sound like 
the things I've said before?
Haven't we met?
Do I know you from somewhere, 
Or have I just mistaken 
Your face for someone else's 
In a memory forsaken 
You seem so familiar 
But I can't quite place 
The way you make me feel 
In this crowded space 
It's like we've danced before 
In another time and place 
But now we are strangers 
Lost in a endless race 
Why do you leave me wanting more 
With just a simple glance 
Is it the way you smile 
Or the way you take a chance 
To talk to me like we've known each other 
For years and years on end 
But in reality, we're strangers 
With no past to mend 
Why do all the things I say 
Sound like echoes of before 
Have I told you these words 
In a different life, for sure 
And as I search my memory 
For fragments of the past 
I can't help but wonder 
If we've met in a love that could last 
Haven't we met in a dream 
Or perhaps in a parallel universe 
Where our souls were intertwined 
In a love that was diverse 
Do I know you from somewhere 
Or are you just a figment of my mind 
But one thing I know for sure 
With you, I feel alive and more aligned 
So let's forget about the past 
And the mysteries that surround 
For in this moment, 
Our love is where it's found.

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