
In the sky tonight, the zephyr flies
A mystical creature, with secrets in her eyes
Whispers in the moonlight, she tells
Stories of love and magic spells
I watch her dance among the stars
As the night unveils its darkened scars
Where does she go, when the morning comes
Leaving behind her moonlit kingdom
Do my tears of sorrow, reach her in the sky
Does she carry them with her, as she flies high
Or do they fade away, with the fading light
As she disappears into the infinite night
She has a universe of her own
A world of wonder, where she roams
In the blink of an eye, she's gone
As the call of thunder echoes on
And in her absence, I feel at home
In this vast unknown, I'm no longer alone
She gives me comfort, with her gentle breeze
As she whispers secrets, among the trees
Faster than the speed of light
She travels through the depths of night
Trying to remember, where it all began
Before the chaos, of mortal man
She's found her sanctuary, in the endless sky
Away from the chaos, where time passes by
Waiting for the day, when Earth will be one
And her journey among the stars, will finally be done
She's got herself a universe
A world of wonder and an endless verse
In the blink of an eye, she's gone
But her memory will forever live on
Someone else may take her place
In this infinite space
But through the endless years
Her universe will always be here
Quicker than a ray of light
She leaves me breathless, in her flight
I'm flying through the night, with her by my side
Zephyr in the sky tonight, my fearless guide.
In this abstract realm, she reigns supreme
A beauty like her, is but a dream
Gone in the blink of an eye
But in my heart, she'll never die
So let her dance, among the stars
As the night unveils its hidden scars
For she is the zephyr in the sky tonight
Whispering secrets, in the moon's soft light.

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