To my beautiful cousin

To my beautiful cousin,
You are a real down to earth person,
Who is going through so much. 
Don't ever feel I've abandoned you.
I love you so much.
My dear cousin, with a soul so pure
A heart of gold, forever endure
Through the trials and storms of life
You stand strong, without any strife
You are a real down to earth soul
Humble, kind, and always whole
Your feet firmly planted on the ground
In a world where chaos and noise abound
I see the struggles you go through
And my heart aches, just for you
But know that I am always here
To hold you close, to wipe away the tear
Don't ever think that I've abandoned you
For in my heart, your love shines through
No matter where life may take us
My love for you will never be dubious
I may not always be by your side
But my love and support will never subside
Through the highs and lows, I'll be there
To remind you that my love for you will never disappear
You are more than just a cousin to me
You are a friend, a confidant, a family member 
And I cherish every moment we share
For you, my dear cousin, are beyond compare
So hold on to that down to earth spirit
For it's your strength and grace, you inherit
And know that no matter what comes your way
My love for you will forever stay.
I love you, my dear cousin, more than words can express
And nothing in this world can ever make it any less
You are a shining light in my life, so true
And I will always be here, to walk this journey with you.

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