They have money for war but can't feed the poor. Their greed and thirst for power, always wanting more. They send our sons and daughters off to fight. While others starve and suffer every night. And yet, they'll spend it on a whore. Leaving a child to knock on their door. Then pay for an abortion, so easily done.
As if it's just a game, a bit of fun. But when it comes to a woman's right. They'll tell you it's wrong, with all their might. They'll shame and judge, make you feel small. Because in their eyes, you have no control at all. They'll take away your right to choose. And leave you with nothing but to lose. But don't give up, never give in. Themfolk can't tell you about the color of your skin. For this fight, we will always win
And what if you wanted a family. A husband or wife, your own little tree. But they'll deny you, based on their beliefs. Leaving your heart heavy with grief. Their discrimination, their hatred, their lies. All in the name of a higher prize. But we'll stand strong, we'll keep on fighting. For love knows no bounds, no limits, no dividing. So let them have their money, their wars and more. But we'll keep fighting, until they can't ignore. That love is love, no matter what they say. Themfolk don't give a fuck about nothing anyway. Only care about money. Don't pay attention to what they say.
And we'll break their chains, find our own way.
Injustice and inequality, we'll no longer endure. For they have money for war, but can't feed the poor. And as for their judgement, their disapproval of our matrimony. Skin, demeanor, and juxtaposition. We'll rise above, and build our own family and cook in the kitchen. We'll rise above with plenty to eat.
Our uphill climb is almost complete.

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