The price

You know, I didn't notice
The toll that fame takes
The price we must pay
For the spotlight's embrace
It's not your fault, my dear
That most struggle to say
My name, a tongue twister
But it's just part of the game we play
For you, it's the same
The constant mispronunciation
But with your talent and charm
It's just a minor frustration
Yet for me, it's a different story
My savings are meager
But I don't want to hand you
The dirt and the dirtier
So here's a bit of wisdom
Sometimes it can sting
But the truth is never easy
And it's not just a fling
Fame comes with a price
But it's up to us to pay
With grace and humility
We'll make it through the fray
So let's embrace this journey
Together, hand in hand
For the thrill of the ride
Is worth every grain of sand. 

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