Somewhere Here on Earth

With each passing day
I wonder and I pray
For a chance to finally see
The one who's always on my mind, endlessly
Would you like to meet, my dear?
Sit and talk, have a cold beer
Share stories and laughs
Make memories that will forever last
I've dreamt of the day
When we could just say
Let's meet in person, let's make it real
No more screens, just you and I, that's the deal
I won't be foolish, I promise
No need to be nervous
We can meet anywhere, somewhere on this Earth
And let our souls intertwine, for all that it's worth
We could stroll through a park
Or dance under the stars after dark
We could sit by the beach
And watch the horizon, out of reach
Together we could explore
And open up more
Our minds and hearts, without any fear
For in each other's presence, we'll feel so near
Our differences may be vast
But our connection will forever last
For in this meeting, we'll find
A bond that's one of a kind
So my dear, what do you say?
Would you like to meet, someday?
I long for a face to face
A little meet and greet, if it's not too late.

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