
 I'll miss you so much
My heart will ache, my tears will flow, hush
For the memories we shared, the love we knew
Will forever be etched, in shades of blue
I'll think of you in every sunrise
And in the stars that light up the skies
In the gentle breeze that whispers your name
In every moment, you'll remain the same
I'll be my best, to make you proud
For you were my sunshine, my shining cloud
Your absence will leave a gaping hole
But I'll carry on, with strength and soul
I hope someday, we'll meet again
In a place beyond this earthly plain
In the ever after, where love transcends
And our souls reunite, as fate intends
We'll dance in the clouds, and we'll dance
In a world where time is just a grain of sand
And we'll be together, forevermore 
I feel it in my core....
Until that day, I'll miss you so
But know, my dear, that I'll never let go
For even apart, our bond will endure
Until we meet again, my heart will be pure,
With thoughts of you....
I'll try to be good.

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