Reward Money

I don't do things for reward
Nor for the riches others hoard
My heart is not driven by greed
But by a desire to help those in need
You can keep your money and fame
To me, they hold no allure, no claim
I don't want to be part of your game
Where the rules are rigged and always the same
Silly fools, thinking they hold all the power
But it's compassion that truly makes one stronger
I may not have much to offer in the world's eye
But my heart is pure and my intentions never shy
I know it's not a laughing matter
When people's lives are torn and shattered
But you see, I'm not here for the show
I'll lend a hand, whether or not it's a big blow
No, I don't want your money
I see through your veils, oh so cunning
You've reduced me to fears and tears
But I won't let you win, I'll face my fears
For every act of kindness, a ripple is made
And it's not just for my own ego to be displayed
I do things because I truly care
Not for recognition, or a pedestal to share
So go on, continue with your games
But know that in the end, it's all in vain
For I know that with each passing day
Your greed and selfishness will lead to your own decay
I don't do things for reward
My concern for others will always be my sword
And though the road may be long and tough
I'll keep doing what's right, that's more than enough.

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