
Can you really trust what you perceive?
Or is it simply what you want to believe?
Your eyes only see what you want to see
Blinded by your own desires, you can't break free
You chase after material gain
Thinking it's the key to ease your pain
But in the end, all you have is regret
For the things you missed, the moments you forget
Your heart remains closed, frozen in fear
Unable to let anyone come near
But love is a bird that needs to soar
Don't let your past keep you from wanting more
The world is full of beauty and light
But you choose to only see the dark of night
Your eyes deceive you, painting a false view
Of a life that could be so much more for you
Don't let hate and anger consume your days
Or you'll miss the beauty in life's simple ways
Open your heart, let love be your guide
And watch as your soul begins to come alive
There's no point in placing the blame
For every heart suffers the same
If you lose love, your heart will break
But it's worth the risk, for love's own sake
So let go of the past, and set yourself free
From the constraints of what your eyes want to see
Embrace the beauty that surrounds you
And let love be the lens that guides you through.

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