Our Love

Our love is the only war worth fighting for. Only our love can win... The immortal question of why we battle, and primal sin. In this world of chaos and fights. We must live our life..We search for something to cling to,
Amidst the darkness, our love is the light,
The only war worth fighting for, it's true.
Amidst the bloodshed and the pain,
Our love remains unshaken,
For us, it's not just a fleeting flame or moment, Boast for the chosen few.
This is not a choice,
But a battle that will never be forsaken.
Immortal question of why we fight,
For power, for land, for greed,
But in our hearts, we know it's right,
To fight for love, that's all we need.
As we lay down our weapons,
And silence the noise,
And embrace in each other's arms,
We know our love is the only lesson,
The only way to end all harm.
For it's in our love that we find peace,
And the reason to keep moving on,
It's the one thing that will never cease,
The one thing that will never be gone.
Our love is the answer to the primal sin,
That plagues this world of ours,
For when we're together, we can win,
Against all odds, we have the power.
So let them question us, let them doubt,
For they cannot understand,
The strength and depth of our love is devout,
The only war worth fighting, hand in hand.
And when the battles rage on,
And the world seems to fall apart,
We'll hold on to each other, and carry on,
For our love is the only war worth fighting for, from the start.

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