Oh father

Oh father, hear my desperate plea
How long will this take, I ask thee
When will I shed my tainted skin
And rise above my worldly sin
When will I be deemed holy and pure
When will my soul be fully sure
That I am worthy of your grace
And worthy to see your holy face
Shall I seek a guru's guidance
To find my path and seek repentance
Will they guide me towards the light
And help me make my wrongs right
When will I reach that sacred place
And be absolved of my disgrace
When will my heart be truly free
From the chains of my past, let me be
Is today the day my soul will soar
And you'll proclaim me a saint, I implore
Not that I am worthy, I must confess
But in your mercy, I find solace and rest
Oh father, guide me on my way
For I am lost and in dismay
Grant me the wisdom and the strength
To walk the path of love, at any length
How long will this take, Father dear
When will I be cleansed of my fear
Only you hold the answer to this fate
So I'll trust in you, and patiently await. 

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