Mother Dearest

Dear mother, my dearest love
How much I long to tell you
But the words get stuck in my throat
And all I can do is just suffer through
I can't tell you how much I feel
My end is near, it's haunting me
And I feel out of luck and though
And the thoughts of my own demise
Just won't let me be
I keep contemplating ways to end it all
To put an end to this pain I feel
But every time a thought of you crosses my mind
These thoughts won't just let me be
And I know it's not something I can deal or trade
Each new passing day I think and I think
Never have I had thoughts of homicide
Never have I wanted to cause harm
But this darkness inside of me
Is causing my mind to alarm
My father, he's caused me pain
And I don't judge, but he's a terrible man
And my brother, lost in his own world 
Doesn't seem to care where I stand or fall
I beginning to wonder, "Do they care about me at all?"
But you, my dear mother, you're my only reason 
To keep holding on, to stay alive
For I know your heart would break
If I were no longer by your side
Or near you to welcome a new season
The sacrifices you have made for me
I can never fully repay
And the thought of causing you pain
Is something I just can't bear today
So I'll keep holding on for a little while longer
Till we'll who knows, what the future may hold
I'll keep fighting through this pain
And I pray that my strength will not fold
For you, my dear mother, I'll stay strong
I'll keep fighting, I'll never give in
And I hope and pray that one day
This darkness will come to an end
Till then, I'll lean on your love
And hold on to your embrace
For you are my reason to live
And with you, I'll find my place
So thank you, my dearest mother
For being my light in this dark place
I'll keep holding on for you
And I'll never forget your loving grace. 

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