
Life is a mystery, a puzzle to unfold
Endless twists and turns, stories yet untold
We stumble through the darkness, searching for the light
Solving each mystery, with all of our might
We're born into this world, with no instructions or guide
Trying to find our place, in this wild ride
We make mistakes, and learn from our falls
But each mystery unraveled, helps us stand tall
We chase after love, like a mirage in the sand
Hoping it will fill the void, in our hearts so grand
But love is a mystery, that can never be explained
It's an enigma, that forever remains
We face joys and sorrows, with each passing day
Never knowing what's ahead, or what will come our way
Life is a journey, full of highs and lows
But it's in the unknown, that our true selves grow
Like a little prayer, we call out to the universe
Hoping for answers, and a little bit of solace
But the mystery of life, will never be unraveled
It's meant to be lived, and endlessly traveled
So embrace the unknown, and all its mysteries
For they are what make life, a beautiful masterpiece
And in the end, when we stand alone
We'll know that life's mystery, was a journey we could own. 

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