
A sense of emptiness, I cannot deny
Burdened by thoughts, I can't seem to defy
But when they ask, and I say "I'm fine"
I hide behind a mask, pretending all's in line
For I have a roof over my head
And a belly filled with food
But deep inside, I feel so dead
As if my soul is being pursued
I know I have choices in this life
But I'm stuck in this cycle of strife
Unable to break free from this bind
My heart and mind, in a constant grind
I watch the days and months fly by
Wishing I could spread my wings and fly
But fear and doubt hold me back
As I wonder if I have what it takes to track
I tell myself, "I guess I'm fine"
But the truth is, I'm just trying to hide
The pain that gnaws at my core
And the sadness that I can't ignore
I may have a roof over my head
But inside, I'm falling apart instead
I long for a sense of peace and tranquility
But it seems like a distant possibility
So I'll continue to wear this facade
Of a person who's content and unflawed
But deep inside, I'll always wonder why
I can't just say, "I'm fine" without a lie. 

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