Last breath

As I take my last breath,
And bid farewell to life's race,
I wonder what awaits me,
In that unknown place.
Will I still exist,
In some form or the other?
Or will I vanish,
Like a flame in a gust of wind, smothered.
Will I find eternal peace,
Or be tormented by past sins?
Will I reunite with loved ones,
Or be alone in these unknown beginnings?
Where am I going,
When this life comes to an end?
Is it a realm of light,
Or a dark abyss, I cannot comprehend?
Will I be judged,
For the deeds I've done?
Or will I be given another chance,
To right the wrongs, and start anew, to run?
Is there a place,
For me to rest and heal?
Or will I be endlessly wandering,
In an eternal wheel?
Perhaps, I'll be reborn,
In a world so different, yet familiar.
Or maybe I'll just fade away,
Like a forgotten memory, with no one to remember.
Oh, the uncertainty,
Of what will happen to me.
But one thing is for sure,
I'll be free from worldly misery.
So let me take my last breath,
With a heart full of hope and peace.
For wherever I may go,
It will be my final release.

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