just a human being

I am a human being, so complex and vast
Not just a vessel, but a soul that will last
In this world full of chaos and unknown
I am just a traveler, on a journey of my own
Not everything happens to me, that is true
But I am affected by the world, just like you
I feel the joy, the pain, the fear and the sorrow
I am human, not a machine, I have emotions to borrow
I strive for perfection, but I am flawed
Not everything in my life is neatly trod
I can be messy, and make mistakes along the way
But I am learning and growing, every single day
Sometimes I am parched, thirsty for water
But I know I am not alone in this matter
The waiter at my table, he too feels the thirst
We are all human, with our needs and our firsts
As the fire crackles, I am reminded of my strength
I am physically able, I can go to any length
But just like the fire, I too need fuel to burn
Love, compassion, and kindness, these I yearn
I don't miss anyone, for I am complete
I can handle anything, even when I am beat
I am a human being, with a heart and a soul
And I am proud of who I am, as a whole
So when you look at me, just remember
I am more than what meets the eye, a mere ember
I am a human being, with imperfections and all
And I embrace it, for it makes me stand tall.

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