
Inception, a seed planted deep
In the mind, where thoughts do creep
A mere idea, a flicker of light
But oh, how it shines so bright
A spark, a burst of creation
A thought that defies all limitation
It grows and flourishes with time
A beautiful concept, so sublime
From the depths of imagination
It forms, with such determination
A world of its own, unique and rare
A universe within, so full of flair
With every passing moment, it evolves
Taking shape, as the mind absolves
All doubts and fears, it washes away
Leaving behind a masterpiece, on display
Oh, how inception ignites the fire
Pushing us to reach higher and higher
To dream the impossible, to believe
That anything is possible, if we just conceive 
It may start out as just a notion
But it grows into a grand potion
That fuels our desires, our aspirations 
Leading us towards our own salvation 
So let's embrace the power of inception
And surrender to its beautiful deception
For within its depths, lies the key
To unlock our true potential, and set us free.

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