In the land of Greece

In the land of Greece, a fire rages
A devastating force, engulfing in stages
Smoke covers the sky, a darkened veil
And all around, there's a deafening wail
Owls and eagles, once soaring high
Now grounded, unable to take to the sky
Their wings singed, their eyes filled with tears
As they watch their home, consumed by fears
Children cry out, with voices trembling
"Why are we on fire? Why are we trembling?"
But no answer comes, just the crackle of flames
And a haunting silence, with no one to blame
The streets of Athens, once bustling and bright
Now lay in ruins, a heartbreaking sight
The ancient temples, now charred and destroyed
And the people, left feeling helpless and void
They thought to rebuild, to make things anew
But little did they know, the fire was fueled
By their own actions, their own careless ways
Now they are paying, in these fiery days
The once proud land, now filled with sorrow
As the flames continue to swallow
Greece is on fire, and there's no escape
For the ones who caused it, it's a harsh landscape
So let this be a lesson, for all to heed
For the consequences of our actions, we must take heed
Let us not burn, what we hold so dear
And let the owls and eagles, once again take to the air.

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