My love

I have been looking for you to confess; you love me. Is that something that is okay? If you deny me and say you don't want me, is it okay if I just break away. In life we wear masks almost every day. And yes I've had problems, but I'm doing okay, and pursuing my dreams finally. Little by little. And I guess I'm okay. Searching for you, day by day, Hoping to find the words to say, That I love you, more than you know, But my heart is afraid to let it show.
Is it okay to confess my love to you,
Or will it push you further away, my love?
If you deny me, and say you don't care,
Is it alright for me to just disappear?
We wear masks to hide our true selves,
But these feelings for you, I cannot just quell,
I've been looking for you, to tell you so,
But I'm scared, will you still want me to stay or should I let it go? Life has been a rollercoaster ride, Filled with problems and tears I've cried,
But now I'm on the path of pursuing my dreams, Taking small steps, albeit little by little, it seems. And even though I may not be perfect, I'm trying my best, and I'm content,
But without you by my side, I feel like a part of me has died. So my question to you, my love,
Is it okay, if I open up? If I break down this wall of terror and fear, And let you see the real me, without a veneer? I hope you can understand, I am a mere mortal man,
No longer a heavenly heathen with a master- plan, To conquer the world with poetry telling,
That my love for you is pure and grande,
And if you don't feel the same way,
I'll accept it, and find my own way.
For I know that in this life, we must be true,
To ourselves, and to the ones we love too,
So I'll keep searching for you, until the end,
Hoping that my love, you'll one day comprehend. And if not, then I'll be okay,
Knowing that I confessed, in my own way,
And I'll continue to pursue my dreams,
For every hurdle, I'll jump through the seams.
I'll wear my heart on my sleeve,
And from this burden, I'll finally be relieved, after all the lingering bittersweet memories.
For I have been looking for you, to confess my love, And whatever happens, I'll be just fine, My love. I'll be okay, my love.

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