I dream

I dream of a place to call my own
A haven where I can savor the flavors and roam.
A space that reflects my soul
A place I can finally control
But as time ticks by, I realize
This dream may never materialize
For I am stuck, bound by fate
To a life where my freedom waits
I long for responsibilities, to have a home
Where I can make choices of my own
But society tells me it's not my place
To venture out and embrace
The doubts and fears that hold me back
Whispering that I lack
The capability to survive alone
That I'll never have a place of my own
My heart aches for some privacy
From the prying eyes of society
A space where I can just be me
Without any judgement or scrutiny
I'm suffocating as time moves on
I'm stuck with my family
Trapped in a life that's not my own
Yearning for a place to call home
But my doctor knows and he agrees
That I am capable, I have the keys
To unlock the door and break free
From the chains that bind me
I may never have a place of my own
But I'll keep dreaming, I'll never disown
The longing for freedom and independence
For I am more than just mere existence
So I'll hold on to this dream inside
And I'll never let it wither and die
For even if I never have a space of my own
I'll always have a home of own soon within my soul.
One day I'll be far away from my family...
This is all for, I dream .

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