Higher Power

If there was no higher power in our lives
No guiding force, no reason for our life
The world would be a place of chaos and despair with no hope, no solace, and no one to care
No mighty hand to shape the universe
No divine plan to soothe us, to immerse
Our souls in faith, in love, in boundless grace
Without a higher power, what's left in this  human race? Our existence and existential plain.
No purpose, no meaning, no ultimate goal
Our existence, a mere flicker in the black hole
No light at the end of the tunnel, no heaven or hell
Just an endless void, where all stories end and dwell
No prayers to be answered, no miracles to believe
No one to turn to when we're down on our knees
No comfort in times of sorrow, no joy in times of glee
Without a higher power, who would we plead?
No morality, no commandments to uphold
No consequences for our actions, no stories to be told
Of triumph over evil, of redemption and forgiveness
Without a higher power, what's the purpose of this mess?
But perhaps, just perhaps, we don't need a higher power
To guide us, to shape us, to be our tower
Perhaps, in ourselves, lies the strength and the will
To create our own destiny, to climb every hill
For if there was no higher power, we would still have each other
To love, to support, to lift one another
And in the end, that's all that truly matters
Just human connections, our hearts all aflutter
So let us not fear a world without a higher power
For in the absence, we have each other to devour
Our fears, our doubts, our insecurities
Together, we can conquer and write our own stories but where will we spends hours united.
Side by side.
But without faith in something bigger and greater than yourself,
We won't be just fine.
We need to take the time to connect to the universe for that is where we comb from
Mother Nature in itself. 
In a world without divine light,
Where darkness consumes every sight,
Would there still be love to ignite?
Or would our hearts remain in plight?
If there were no higher power,
Would love still bloom like a flower?
Or would it wither and cower,
Under the weight of doubt and dour?
No angels in heaven up above,
No guiding hand to show us love,
Would we still have someone to trust,
Or would our faith turn to dust?
Look around, everything's gone sour,
Hate and greed seem to have power,
But if there's no higher being,
Where is the hope we should be seeing?
For it's in the belief of something greater,
In the presence of a loving creator,
That we find the strength to forgive,
And in each other, see the good that lives.
So, if you doubt the existence of a higher force,
Just look at the beauty of love's source,
For in its selfless and pure embrace,
We can see the divine in every face.
And though the world may seem to fall,
Love still stands tall amidst it all,
For even without a higher power,
Love will always be our guiding tower.

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