
Under the harshest light
All flaws are exposed
Even the most beautiful
Are no longer composed
Like shards of glass
They seem to shatter
The once perfect image
Now filled with scattered matter
It's appalling, but true
That under this scrutiny
The beauty we hold dear
Is just a mere fallacy
But what is beauty
If not a subjective view
For what may be flawed
To me, may be pure and true to you.
Yet in this harsh light
It's hard to see
The true essence of beauty
That lies within thee
Oh, how I wish
It wasn't you
Under this harsh light
That leaves you feeling blue
For you are more
Than what meets the eye
Your flaws and imperfections
Make you uniquely and beautifully fly
But you wouldn't have a clue
For you can't see
How truly beautiful
You are to me
So let us dim this light
And see each other's souls
For that is where true beauty lies
And where it truly glows. 

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