Finally; it has happened

It has taken so long to happen.
My dream is coming true, and I've been
searching for a home. There has been circumstances and I felt all alone.
But now with the help of my mother.
I can find a home of my own.
Finally. It's everything to me.......
It has taken so long to happen,
This dream I've had for years.
Shrouded in doubts and uncertainty,
I've shed countless tears.
But now, I see a glimmer of hope,
A light at the end of the tunnel.
For I have found a guiding hand,
In the form of my beloved mother.
She has stood by me through it all,
Through the struggles and the pain.
And now, with her unwavering support,
I can finally find a home to gain.
A place to call my very own,
A refuge from the world's storms.
A space where I can truly be myself,
And my heart can truly transform.
For so long, I've wandered aimlessly,
In search of a place to belong.
But with my mother's love and guidance,
I know I'll find where I truly belong.
It may have taken a while,
But I now see it all clear.
My dream is finally coming true,
And it's everything to me, my dear.
The trials and tribulations,
Have only made this moment sweeter.
For I know that this home I've found,
Is meant to be, now and forever.
So thank you, dear mother,
For never giving up on me.
I can't wait to start this new chapter,
In my very own home, I'm finally free.

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