
I could be dying and you don't care
My heart aches, it's heavy and bare
I'm struggling to hold onto life
But you, my love, cut me like a knife
I wanted to spread my wings and fly
But you held me down, and didn't even try
You suffocated my dreams and desires
And now I'm consumed by burning fires
I thought you were my shelter, my rock
But you turned out to be a ticking clock
Counting down to the end of our time
Leaving me to suffer, to climb
I could be dying, and you don't give a damn
All you cared about was your own plan
Leaving me to wither and decay
As you move on, forgetting me each day
I could be dying, but you don't hear
Your indifference has become crystal clear
I wanted something for myself, something true
But all I got was hurt and pain from you
Now my body weakens, my spirit fades
And all I hear are your harsh tirades
But I won't beg for your love and care
For I'm better off alone, this I swear
We are through, this is the end
I won't break, I'll just bend
I'll move on, with or without you
For I know I deserve someone who's true
I could be dying, but you don't care
You won't be there, for me to share my time
But I've learned to stand on my own
And I'll write this poem, as my heart's last moan
There's no forgiveness, no turning back
I'll let you go, and cut this slack
For I deserve something that's real
And I'm done with the pain you make me feel.

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