Crucify me

I walked down the long road
With a heart that weighed heavy
Every step a struggle, but I continued to go
The journey ahead, unknown and unsteady
But I was so bold, I didn't falter
I made my way down the mile long isle
With every beat of the island drums
I felt my soul ignite, with a fiery smile
I learned to let go.....
As I walked, the world around me
Seemed to slow and come to a pause
And I felt the piercing gazes
Of those who questioned my cause
But I walked on, with a determined pace
And as I passed each judging eye
I made them say a prayer for me
For I was about to be crucified
You stood there, watching me
Doubting how I dare
To walk with my head held high
As if I had no cross to bear
But I was crucified, long before
This journey had begun
I bore the weight of my mistakes
And the scars of what I had done
How long must we dwell on the past?
How long can we carry this pain?
For I am suffering because of you
And my heart, it's hard to contain
I've done everything to prove myself
To earn your forgiveness and trust
But you still hold on to my mistakes
And continue to crucify me with your disgust
I am not your savior, I don't complete you
You don't complete me 
So crucify me for my behavior 
I am not your savior......
I never will be
But you still expect me to be
And for every wrong I've ever done
You keep on nailing me to this tree
But I'll keep walking, down this long road
With every step, I'll shed another tear
For it's not your forgiveness I seek
But my own salvation, from my fear
So crucify me, if you must
For my mistakes can never be undone
But know that I'll keep walking
Till my journey on this road is finally done
So crucify me, I'm waiting.

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