Wounded Butterfly

Oh wounded butterfly, with broken wings,
With colors once vibrant, now fading like dreams,
Your graceful flight, now hindered and slow,
But still you persist, to wherever you go.
Once a symbol of beauty, of freedom and life,
Now struggling to survive, amidst human strife,
Your home, once a haven, now filled with despair,
As we destroy, without a single care.
The monarch butterfly, a jewel in the sky,
A sight to behold, as it gracefully flies,
But now you're wounded, and in need of aid,
For your future, is slowly starting to fade.
Like the tiger, bald eagle, and buffalo,
You too have faced danger, and continue to grow,
But unlike them, your numbers are few,
And if we don't act now, what will become of you?
For every creature, big or small,
Plays a vital role, in our world after all,
We cannot ignore, the damage we've done,
For the butterfly's wounds, are a warning to come.
Let's protect the animal kingdom, with all our might,
So future generations, can witness your flight,
And let the wounded butterfly, be a reminder to all,
That it's not too late, to answer nature's call.

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