To be different

In a world of conformity,
Where everyone's the same,
It's easy to get lost,
And forget your own name.
We're told to follow the crowd,
Blend in and fit the mold,
But in doing so, we lose ourselves,
Our true identities untold.
But let me tell you, my dear,
It's better to stand out,
To be different, to be unique,
And break away from the crowd.
For in our differences,
Lies our true beauty and worth,
Like a rainbow of colors,
We light up this earth.
Each of us is a masterpiece,
With our own gifts to share,
But if we all look the same,
The world would be a dull affair.
So let your quirks and oddities,
Be your strength and pride,
For it is better to be unique,
Than to be a sheep in disguise.
Don't be afraid to be yourself,
And let your true colors shine,
For in embracing our differences,
We become truly divine.
So let us celebrate our uniqueness,
And embrace it with all our might,
For it is better to be special,
Than to blend in and lose our light.

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