The Theory of Everything

In the depths of space, a theory was born
A notion of everything, a concept forlorn
It speaks of matter, energy and motion
And how we all are connected by this cosmic potion
From the tiniest atoms to the vast expanse
Every particle plays a role in this dance
They swirl and collide, in a magnificent show
Creating the world that we've come to know
But this theory goes beyond just the physical
It delves into the mystical, the metaphysical
For when our bodies decay and we take our last breath
Our souls become one with the universe, no longer in death
We are all but a speck, in this grand design
Yet we hold within us, a spark divine
Our consciousness expands, beyond our earthly form
And we become one with the universe, in a spiritual storm
Our energy lingers, in every atom and star
We are part of the cosmos, no matter how far
For we are all connected, in this theory of everything
And death is just a condensation, a celestial gathering
So let go of your fears, embrace this grand plan
For we are all a part of it, since time began
We come from matter, energy and motion
And in the end, we return, to the universal ocean.
So when you gaze at the stars, and feel their pull
Remember that you are made of the same material
And when your time on earth comes to an end
You will become one with the universe, and ascend.

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