The land belongs to the natives

The land belongs to the natives.
The bruts and barbarians came,
To take the land from the rightful ones.
Thus is the way of the world,
And that makes me sick. I just can't handle it. I'm disgusted to pit of my stomach.
Give them back their land.
I've had enough of this.................
The land belongs to the natives,
The ones who walked this earth before us,
Their spirits still breathe through the trees,
Their strength in every rock and chorus.
But then came the brats and barbarians,
With their guns, greed, and ignorance,
They claimed the land as if it was theirs,
With no thought for the natives' existence.
They built fences and houses,
On sacred and ancient ground,
Destroyed the forests and mountains,
With no care or remorse found.
Their hands stained with blood and theft,
As they displaced the natives from their home,
With their culture and traditions,
Treated as if they never roamed.
But the land still belongs to the natives,
Their connection runs deep and strong,
For they are rooted in the soil,
Their bond with nature never gone.
I'm sickened by this injustice,
For it's a recurring tale of history,
The greed of the few, destroying the many,
Leaving behind nothing but misery.
So let's give back what was taken,
And right the wrongs of the past,
For the land belongs to the natives,
And it's time for their voices to be heard at last.
Let their songs fill the air,
As they dance on the land with pride,
For it was never anyone's to claim,
It's always been theirs to reside.
The land belongs to the natives,
And it's time for us to see,
That we must honor and respect,
The ones who hold the key.
To the wisdom of the earth,
And the secrets of the stars,
For the land belongs to the natives,
And it's time for us to heal those scars.
So let us stand with the natives,
And fight for what is right,
For the land belongs to them,
And we must give back their rightful sight.

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