Rock Vanity

In a world of stones and rocks,
Lies a trait that often shocks.
For vanity, in these hard surfaces,
Is a concept that seems quite purposeless.
For what use does a rock have,
To care about its looks and behave?
Yet here we stand, in awe and wonder,
At how a rock can possess such thunder.
With their surface polished and shining,
Some even have crystals, oh so blinding.
They take pride in their unique features,
As their beauty is their greatest treasure.
But is it all just for show,
This rock vanity that we all know?
Do they feel the need to compete,
Or is it simply, their way to greet?
Perhaps it's a way to stand out,
In a world where they all look stout.
A way to be seen and adored,
In a landscape that's often ignored.
But oh, how we admire,
These rocks that spark such desire.
For vanity or not, they stand tall,
And in their presence, we all fall.
So let them bask in their glory,
For in this world, they tell a story.
Of strength and resilience,
And the power of self-confidence.
Rock vanity may seem strange,
But in their world, it's not a change.
For they are what they are,
Rock and roll,
And they are thrown where ever they form,
Or when the bewing storm seem to throw.
And that's definitely not a flaw.
So let us embrace their charm,
Rolling down the river deep.
No harm.
For in them, there's no need for alarm.
For even in their toughest form,
They can still exude beauty and charm.
So, here I go,
Rock Vanity is nice!
It's what you need through the night.

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