
I think I'll write a poem,
To express what words cannot say,
To let my emotions flow,
In a simple or complex way.
For poetry is the language,
Of the heart and soul,
It captures the unspoken,
And makes it whole.
With each word I write,
I'll create a world of my own,
Where I can let my thoughts,
And feelings roam.
I'll paint a picture with my words,
Of love, pain, joy, or fear,
Each line a brushstroke,
On a canvas so clear.
My pen will be my music,
And my paper the stage,
Where my heart will sing,
And my mind will rage.
I'll weave together metaphors,
And rhyme with perfect timing,
To create a symphony,
Of thoughts and feelings intertwining.
This poem may be short,
Or it may be long,
But it will be a reflection,
Of my heart's true song.
For poetry is the only way,
To truly express,
The depths of our emotions,
And the beauty of our distress.
So I'll keep on writing,
Verse after verse,
For poetry is my escape,
And my universe.
And when I write a poem,
I feel truly free,
For through my words,
I am the best version of me,
Through poetry,
I express the best parts of me.

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