Desolate Sky

Why did this happen
Oh, why did this happen
I won't say it again
Sky for the sacred
A storm has come, to ruin the day
Why did this happen, I ask with sorrow
What caused this darkness, what will it borrow?
The beauty of the sky, now lost in pain
As tears fall down like heavy rain
The birds have stopped their cheerful songs
The flowers wilt, the trees look wrong
The world seems lost in this endless night
Why did this happen, what was the plight?
The answer, my heart, I cannot bear
For it shows the truth, so hard to bear
It's us, dear humans, who caused this fate
With our actions, we sealed this darkly gate
We took and took, never giving back
Polluted the earth, left a scarred track
The sky, once pure, now bears the cost
Of all the damage, we chose to exhaust
Oh, why did this happen, I cry out loud
Why did we neglect our duty, so proud
To take care of this world, so precious and rare
Why did we let it fall into despair?
But it's not too late, we can make a change
Reverse the damage, heal the range
Let the sky return to its former glory
And learn to live in harmony
For if we don't, the sky will weep
And the world will suffer, for our actions so steep
So let's ask ourselves, why did this happen?
And make a promise, to never let it happen again.

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