
In the state of nirvana,
Where bliss reigns supreme,
A feeling of ecstasy,
Embraces like a dream.
A place of pure tranquility,
Where worries cease to be,
And all that remains is a feeling,
Of ultimate serenity.
The heavens seem to open,
And pour down their grace,
As I bask in the light,
Of such a sacred place.
Your arms, my shelter,
Providing warmth and love,
As I surrender myself,
To the heavens above.
In this state of nirvana,
All pain and fear disappear,
For in your embrace,
There's nothing left to fear.
I am in awe of the beauty,
That surrounds me here,
In this state of nirvana,
Where I have nothing to fear.
So I'll stay in this moment,
Where I am truly free,
In the state of nirvana,
Where your arms are my shelter,
And I am truly me.

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