Mary, oh sweet Mary/ Mariam

Mary, oh sweet Mary
So simple and pure
In a world of darkness
Your heart shines for sure
Chosen by the heavens
To bear the Son of God
A miracle so rare
In your arms, He would trod
Holy Mother, Theotokos
Panagia, so divine
The Virgin Mariam
Your grace, forever shines
Through Nazareth and Bethlehem
On a donkey you rode
With Joseph by your side
On your journey you strode
In a humble manger
The King of Kings was born
A soldier from Galilee
In your arms, He was sworn
Holy Mother, Theotokos
Panagia, our guiding light
The Virgin Mariam
Your love, an eternal plight
Through trials and hardships
You never lost your faith
In your son, you saw hope
For us, you paved the way
Standing by His side
As He carried our pain
Till He rose from the dead
Our salvation, He would gain
Holy Mother, Theotokos
Panagia, our protector true
The Virgin Mariam
In your arms, we find strength anew
On Guadalupe's hill
You appeared to Juan Diego
Our Lady of Guadalupe
With your message aglow
Santa Maria,
Our guide and our song
Through you, we find hope
In times of right and wrong
Mary, our mother
So humble and kind
Your love knows no bounds
Forever, we'll keep it in mind.

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