Little velvet kiss

Velvet soft and delicate,
A little kiss, so intricate.
Against my skin, it gently presses,
Leaving me feeling so blessed.
It's touch is like a feather,
Light and gentle, yet so clever.
A little velvet kiss, so sweet,
It makes my heart skip a beat.
In this moment, nothing else exists,
All my worries, the little kiss dismisses.
I'm lost in its velvety embrace,
A feeling I never want to replace.
Like a whisper on my skin,
The little kiss, it softly begins.
With every touch, it leaves a trace,
A trail of love, in its gentle pace.
Oh, how I long for this little kiss,
A moment of pure and utter bliss.
In its simplicity, it holds such power,
To make me forget the world's sour.
A little velvet kiss, oh so grand,
In its embrace, I am a willing strand.
Lost in its tender and loving grip,
I feel my heart begins to skip.
Oh, how I adore this little velvet kiss,
A fleeting moment of pure bliss.
In its simplicity, it holds such grace,
A tiny touch, that my heart can trace.
So here I am, in this state of bliss,
With every touch of the little velvet kiss.
I can't help but love this experience,
For it is filled with love and pure essence.

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