In every color of the rainbow,
Lies a unique and diverse community,
With love that knows no boundaries,
And a spirit that runs free.
Gay, lesbian, bi, or trans,
Queer in every single way,
Breaking norms and pushing limits,
Carving out our own path each day.
We are more than just labels,
We are human beings,
With hearts full of love,
And souls that are evergreen.
We love who we love,
And we love with all our might,
Gender is just a social construct,
But love knows no such fight.
We've fought for our rights,
Through struggles and pain,
But our resilience and courage,
Is what helps us sustain.
To be gay means to be true,
To oneself and to the world,
To love without any inhibitions,
Unfurling our rainbow flag unfurled.
Lesbian, bi, or pan,
No matter what we identify as,
Our love is pure and beautiful,
And that's all that truly matters.
Transgendered, we embrace,
Our journey to be who we are,
With every step we take,
We shine like the brightest star.
And queer, oh what a word,
That encompasses all that we are,
Defiantly defying stereotypes,
And breaking down every bar.
So here's to our community,
Full of love, acceptance, and pride,
For being ourselves unapologetically,
And fighting for love far and wide.
We are who we are,
And that's something to celebrate,
For love knows no boundaries,
And in our diversity, we find strength. 

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