Lastly, I say

Perhaps, God is the wind in the trees.
The cool breeze that consoles me 
From the terror of being like another human being. 
But we are of course similiar........ 
Perhaps, I am not Socrates,
And I won't be punished for being me,
In the rustling of leaves, 
And the soothing sway of trees, 
I find solace and peace, 
For perhaps, God is the breeze.
For in the midst of chaos and strife, 
When the world seems too much to bear, 
The gentle wind whispers a new life, 
And takes away my every care.
With every rustle, I feel His touch, 
Whispering words of love and grace, 
A reminder that I am never too much, 
And that I hold a special place.
For perhaps, God is the wind in the trees, 
Moving and guiding us with ease, 
Teaching us to bend and sway, 
In the storms of life, that come our way.
And as I stand among the trees, 
I feel a sense of divine peace, 
For in their rustling melodies, 
I hear the voice of God, at ease.
For just like the trees, we are all unique, 
With our own struggles and pains, 
But in His love, we find our peak, 
And we learn to dance in His rains.
So let the wind be a symbol of hope, 
In the face of uncertainty, 
For perhaps, God is the wind in the trees, 
Guiding us towards eternity.
No longer do I fear being like another, 
For I am fearfully and wonderfully made, 
For perhaps, I am not Socrates, 
But in God's eyes, I will never fade.
Neither, will you fade.
Lastly; I say, God may be the sun in the sky 
That we see each new day.

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