In a world

In a world full of dismay
Where darkness seems to have its way
We seek refuge in the beauty of art
A light that guides us, a guiding chart
With a stroke of a brush, a color so bold
Our emotions and thoughts, they unfold
In a canvas, we pour our heart and soul
A masterpiece created, a story told
Art is our productivity, our creativity
A force that brings us out of captivity
It sets us free, from the chains of the mind
A sanctuary where we can truly unwind
With a pen in hand, we weave our words
Into a tapestry, like singing birds
Our thoughts come alive, in ink and rhyme
A form of expression, a poetic chime
In a world of chaos, we find solace
In the melodies that we compose
Through music, we find our harmony
A symphony of unity, a love story
Art brings chaos, it brings anarchy
But it also brings love, in the form of unity
We share our world, with colors and lines
And in this world, there's no space for judgement or lies
Art is our productivity, our creativity
A testament to our humanity
It connects us all, in a world of division
A universal language, with no limitations
So let's embrace art, in all its forms
From paintings and songs, to dance and poems
For it is the answer, to living in peace
In a world where love and art never cease.

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