In this modern age

In this fast-paced modern age
Where everything seems to change
I find myself asking
Do I have to change my name?
Will it make me a star
Or just another face in the crowd
Should I conform and adjust
Or stay true to who I am proud
The pressure to fit in
Is so hard to ignore
But do I really want to be someone else
Amidst this constant clamor and roar
And then there's the question
Should I lose some weight
To fit society's standards
And be considered great
But is my worth defined
By the number on a scale
Or the fire in my soul
That refuses to fail
This modern life, it seems
Is not meant for me
No pen holding, just cell phones
No hand holding, just bumping elbows, you see
I long for simplicity
For genuine connection and real face-to-face talks
Not just scrolling through endless screens
In this world that never stops
But maybe I'm just old-fashioned
In this ever-evolving game
For I still long for simpler times
This modern life, it's just not the same
So, do I have to change my name
To keep up with society's pace
Or should I embrace who I am
And create my own unique space
For in the end, it's not about fame
Or conforming to a certain mold
It's about staying true to myself
And living a life that's not boring and bold.

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