I came, I saw, I conquered!

I conquered the battle of feeling low
I faced the darkness with a steady glow
I picked up my sword and shield
And refused to let despair be my yield
I felt the weight of sadness on my chest
But I mustered the courage to give it my best
I stood tall, with my head held high
For I knew that within me, strength did lie
With each step, I pushed through the pain
Determined to break free from that chain
My heart was heavy, my spirit bruised
But I refused to let negativity be infused
I battled the doubts and the fears
Conquering them as they turned into tears
I faced the demons lurking inside
And watched them crumble, as I persisted with pride
I may have stumbled, I may have fallen
But I refused to let my spirit be stolen
I kept fighting, with every breath
Until I emerged victorious from the depths
The battle was long, the road was tough
But I refused to let my spirit be rough
I found strength in the midst of despair
And now I stand, with a heart beyond repair
For I am no longer the one who was low
I have conquered, and let my spirit grow
I am stronger, I am wiser
I am a warrior, an eternal survivor
So let the world know, let it be told
That I conquered, I emerged bold
From the battle of feeling low
And now, I am ready to conquer more, I know. 
I came, I saw, I conquered! 
For sure.

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