Heart's battle

In the midst of this battle we wage,
Our hearts wounded, our souls in rage,
With every blow, we scar and bleed,
But still, we fight with a desperate need.
We once dreamed of chasing the stars,
But now we prey upon them, leaving scars,
Our love, once bright, now tarnished and torn,
As we belittle the notion of heart strings forlorn.
Depravity consumes us, as we strike,
Our love reduced to ashes, a fire we can't ignite,
For we've forgotten the laws of the planet,
And in this battle, we'll both end up with scars that will never mend.
We were warned, but we didn't listen,
Now we're trapped in a cycle of constant competition,
Where we fight for the upper hand,
But in the end, it's our love that's banned.
We used to dance in the moonlight,
But now we're drowning in the darkness of the night,
Our hearts once beat in perfect harmony,
But now they're shattered, a tragic symphony.
This is a battle where there'll never be a winner,
For we're both left with wounds that will never disappear,
And as we continue to fight and tear each other apart,
We realize, love doesn't come with a guarantee, just scars and a broken heart.

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