Golden boy

Golden boy with dark hair so fine
Eyes shining like stars, deep and divine
Tan skin with freckles scattered
Beauty unmatched, nothing mattered
Lips like petals, soft and sweet
A smile so alluring, my heart skipped a beat
How could I resist your charm
In your arms, I felt safe from harm
We were young and carefree then
Two souls in love, never to end
But time passed by, as it always does
And now we stand here, old and full of buzz
Our hair now gray, our skin now worn
But our love, still strong and unshorn
We've weathered storms and faced defeat
But together we stand, our love complete
Oh, how I long for those younger days
When we were golden, in each other's gaze
But now I see, in your smiling face
The boy I fell in love with, in this aging race
Though our bodies may be old and frail
Our love remains, like a timeless tale
Forever entwined, our hearts beating as one
The golden boy and I, till our time is done.

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