From Sea To Shining Sea

From sea to shining sea
Lies a land so great and free
Where mountains meet the sky
And rivers run wild and free
Where fields of gold stretch far and wide
And forests whisper secrets inside
This is America, the land of the free
Where hope is as wide as the ocean blue
Where dreams are made and futures can be
From coast to coast, diversity reigns
You can be you..........
A melting pot of cultures with endless gains
On every corner, a story to tell
Of struggle, triumph, and moments to dwell
From the pioneers who forged their way
To the immigrants who came to stay
Oh America, you give me the right
To speak my truth with all my might
To stand up tall and raise my voice
To make my mark and make a choice
For in this land, we are all blessed
With the gift of freedom, we've been dressed
With rights and liberties, we hold dear
We cherish and protect, year after year
Our past may be checkered, with shadows and scars
But we've come too far to let them mar
Our future shines bright, with endless hope
As we hold onto our values and learn to cope
On Independence Day, we come together
To celebrate this land we treasure
For here in America, we can be
Anything we want to be, truly free
So as we gather, from sea to shining sea
Let us remember, what it truly means to be
An American, united and strong
A beacon of hope, where all belong.
Oh America, you give me the right
To speak my truth with all my might
We may agree or agree to disagree
But we stand strong in unity
Our constitution and bill of rights
Are more than just words, they're our guiding lights
And on Independence Day we see
The beauty of America and all she can be.
From sea to shining sea you can realize your purpose and fulfill your destiny. 

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