
It doesn't mean a thing.
It once was and now it's happening.
Fashion, oh fashion, ever-changing and bold
A form of expression, 
From the runways of Paris to the streets of New York
It's a language we all speak, without having to talk
It's not just about the clothes, but the way we wear them
The statement we make, the image we share with them
A form of art, a way to stand out-
A reflection of ourselves, without any doubt
From vintage to modern, from classic to chic
There's something for everyone, a style unique
With every passing season, trends come and go
But fashion remains, a constant flow
It's a game of balance, of color and shape
A canvas to create, a chance to escape
To be who we want, to express our true selves
Fashion allows us, to break out of our shells
But beware, for fashion can also deceive
It can make us believe, things we don't need
It can lead us astray, and make us conform
But true style, comes from within, not from a norm
So wear what you love, be your own muse
For fashion is only, a tool we use
To showcase our individuality, our flair
It's not about following, but finding what we wear
Fashion, oh fashion, let's embrace the change
But never forget, it's not what makes us strange
For true beauty lies, in confidence and grace
And that, my dear, will never go out of style Time to embrace.

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